Source code for eight_bit_computer.operation_utils

Common functions for operations.

import re
from copy import deepcopy

from .data_structures import DataTemplate
from .exceptions import OperationParsingError
from .language_defs import MODULE_CONTROL, STEPS
from . import token_utils
from . import bitdef

[docs]def assemble_instruction(instruction_bitdefs, flags_bitdefs, control_steps): """ Create templates for all steps to form a complete instruction. Args: instruction_bitdefs (list(str)): List of the bitdefs that make up the instruction byte. flags_bitdefs: list(str): List of the bitdefs that make up the flags for this instruction. control_steps: list(list(str): List of list of bitdefs that make up the control signals for each step. Returns: list(DataTemplate): All the steps for this instruction. Raises: ValueError: If too many steps were provided. """ num_steps = len(control_steps) if num_steps > 6: msg = ( "{num_steps} control steps were passed, " "the maxiumum is 6.".format(num_steps=num_steps) ) raise ValueError(msg) templates = [] instruction_bitdef = bitdef.merge(instruction_bitdefs) flags_bitdef = bitdef.merge(flags_bitdefs) for index, current_step_controls in enumerate(control_steps, start=2): step_bitdef = STEPS[index] address_bitdef = bitdef.merge( [ instruction_bitdef, flags_bitdef, step_bitdef ] ) # If this is the last step, add a step reset if index == num_steps + 1: current_step_controls.append(MODULE_CONTROL["CU"]["STEP_RESET"]) control_bitdef = bitdef.merge(current_step_controls) control_bitdef = bitdef.fill(control_bitdef, "0") template = DataTemplate( address_range=address_bitdef, data=control_bitdef ) templates.append(template) return templates
[docs]def add_quotes_to_strings(strings): """ Add double quotes strings in a list then join with commas. Args: strings (list(str)): List of strings to add parentheses to. Returns: str: The strings with quotes added and joined with commas. """ quote_strings = [] for _string in strings: quote_strings.append("\"{string}\"".format(string=_string)) pretty_strings = ", ".join(quote_strings) return pretty_strings
[docs]def match_and_parse_line(line, opcode, signatures=None): """ Examine assembly code to see if it is valid and parse the arguments. This is a common function used by most of the assembly operations. Args: line (str): The line of assembly code. opcode (str): The opcode this line is being tested to match. signatures (list(list(dict)), optional): Data structure that defines the different combinations of arguments. See :func:`~.get_arg_def_template` for more details. Returns: (bool, list(dict)): Whether or not the line matched, and if it did, the parsed arguments. Raises: OperationParsingError: If multiple op_args defs matched. Or if no op_args defs matched if the opcode matched (i.e. the arguments weren't valid for that assembly operation). """ if signatures is None: signatures = [] line_tokens = token_utils.get_tokens_from_line(line) # Return early if there are no tokens if not line_tokens: return False, [] # Return early if the opcode doesn't match line_opcode = line_tokens[0] if line_opcode != opcode: return False, [] # Return early if this op code has no args line_args = line_tokens[1:] if not line_args and not signatures: return True, [] match = False for signature in signatures: args_are_correct, parsed_args = match_and_parse_args( line_args, signature ) if args_are_correct: if match: msg = ( "Args matched multiple arg possibilities." ) raise OperationParsingError(msg) else: match = True ret_args = parsed_args if not match: poss_args_list = generate_possible_signatures_list(signatures) poss_args_quotes_list = [ add_quotes_to_strings(poss_args) for poss_args in poss_args_list ] pretty_possible_args = "\n".join(poss_args_quotes_list) msg = ( "Incorrect arguments specified for the {opcode} " "operation:\n\n{pretty_args}\n\nThe possible arguments " "are:\n\n{pretty_possible_args}.".format( opcode=opcode, pretty_args=add_quotes_to_strings(line_args), pretty_possible_args=pretty_possible_args, ) ) raise OperationParsingError(msg) return True, ret_args
[docs]def generate_possible_signatures_list(signatures): """ Create a readable list of all possible signatures. Args: signatures (list(list(dict))): Data structure that defines the different combinations of arguments. See :func:`~.get_arg_def_template` for more details. Returns: list(str): All possible argument combinations. """ arg_possibilities = [] for signature in signatures: args = [] for arg_def in signature: arg = "" if arg_def["value_type"] == "module_name": arg = arg_def["value"] if arg_def["value_type"] == "constant": arg = "<constant>" if arg_def["is_memory_location"]: arg = token_utils.represent_as_memory_index(arg) args.append(arg) arg_possibilities.append(args) return arg_possibilities
[docs]def match_and_parse_args(line_args, signature): """ Parse assembly operation args if they match the definition. Take arguments supplied for the assembly operation and see if they match this arguments definition. Args: line_args: (list(str)): The arguments supplied for this assembly operation. signature (list(dict)): Definition of a set of arguments. See :func:`~.get_arg_def_template` for more details. Returns: (bool, list(dict)): Whether or not the arguments matched, and if they did, the parsed values. Raises: OperationParsingError: If a single argument managed to match different kinds of argument definitions. """ if len(line_args) != len(signature): return False, [] parsed_args = [] for line_arg, arg_def in zip(line_args, signature): num_matches = 0 # If the argument is a plain module name if (arg_def["value_type"] == "module_name" and not arg_def["is_memory_location"] and not token_utils.is_memory_index(line_arg) and line_arg == arg_def["value"]): parsed_arg = deepcopy(arg_def) parsed_args.append(parsed_arg) num_matches += 1 # If the argument is a module name indexing memory if (arg_def["value_type"] == "module_name" and arg_def["is_memory_location"] and token_utils.is_memory_index(line_arg)): memory_position = token_utils.extract_memory_position(line_arg) if memory_position == arg_def["value"]: parsed_arg = deepcopy(arg_def) parsed_args.append(parsed_arg) num_matches += 1 # If the argument is a plain constant if (arg_def["value_type"] == "constant" and not arg_def["is_memory_location"] and not token_utils.is_memory_index(line_arg) and token_utils.is_constant(line_arg)): parsed_arg = deepcopy(arg_def) parsed_arg["value"] = line_arg parsed_args.append(parsed_arg) num_matches += 1 # If the argument is a constant indexing memory if (arg_def["value_type"] == "constant" and arg_def["is_memory_location"] and token_utils.is_memory_index(line_arg)): memory_position = token_utils.extract_memory_position(line_arg) if token_utils.is_constant(memory_position): parsed_arg = deepcopy(arg_def) parsed_arg["value"] = memory_position parsed_args.append(parsed_arg) num_matches += 1 # If this argument didn't match, then these args don't match the # defs if num_matches == 0: return False, [] # If there was more than one match something strange has # happened, bail. if num_matches > 1: msg = ( "The argument '{line_arg} matched more than one " "argument type".format(line_arg=line_arg) ) raise OperationParsingError(msg) # If the for loop completes successfully, we've matched all the # args. return True, parsed_args