Source code for eight_bit_computer.data_structures

Data structures use to pass information between functions.

from collections import namedtuple

DataTemplate = namedtuple("DataTemplate", ["address_range", "data"])
Some data and a range of addresses to store that data in

    address_range (str): The range of addresses to store the data in.
        0 and 1 are absolute values, X is either a 0 or 1 and the
        expectation is that the data will expand out to the parts of the
        address marked with an X. and example could be "0010XX001".
    data (str): The data to be stored at the given addresses.

RomData = namedtuple("RomData", ["address", "data"])
Some data and an address to store it in

    address (str): The address to store the data in.
    data (int): The data to be stored at the given address.

[docs]def get_summary_entry_template(): """ Get a template to describe each line in an assembly summary Keys have the following meanings: - has_assembly: Does this line of the summary have assembly code. - assembly: Information about the assembly in this summary line. - assembly/info: The assembly line information dictionary (as returned by :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template`) and filled in by the assembler. - has_mc_byte: Does this line of the summary have a machine code byte. - mc_byte: Information about the machine code byte on this line. - mc_byte/info: Machine code byte information dictionary (as returned by :func:`~.get_machine_code_byte_template` and filled by the assembly process). - mc_byte/has_label: Whether of not this machine code byte has an associated label. - mc_byte/label: The label of this machine code byte. Returns: dict: Summary entry template. """ return { "has_assembly": False, "assembly": { "info": {}, }, "has_mc_byte": False, "mc_byte": { "info": {}, "has_label": False, "label": "", } }
[docs]def get_assembly_line_template(): """ Get a template for the assembly line information bundle. Template for a dictionary that contains information about this line of assembly code. The keys have the following meanings: - line_no: The line in the assembly file that this line was on. - raw: The line as it was in the assembly file. - clean: The cleaned up line, ready for parsing. - defines_label: Whether or not this line is a label definition. - defined_label: The label that this line defined. - has_label_assigned: Whether or not this line has a label assigned to it. - assigned_label: The label that has been assigned to the first line of the machine code generated for this line. - defines_variable: Whether or not this line is a variable definition. - defined_variable: The variable that this line defines. - has_machine_code: Whether or not this line results in machine code. E.g. a comment has no machine code. - mc_bytes: List of machine code byte templates (with constant expansion information) for this assembly line. Returns: dict: Assembly line description template. """ return { "line_no": -1, "raw": "", "clean": "", "defines_label": False, "defined_label": "", "has_label_assigned": False, "assigned_label": "", "defines_variable": False, "defined_variable": "", "has_machine_code": False, "mc_bytes": [], }
[docs]def get_arg_def_template(): """ Get a definition template for an assembly operation argument. This is a set of information that describes an argument used in a line of assembly. The keys have the following meaning: - value_type: What kind of argument this is. ``constant`` or ``module_name``. - is_memory_location: Whether this argument is referring to a location in memory. - value: The permitted value of the argument if it's a module. These dictionaries will be grouped in a list of lists that describe the possible arguments for an assembly operation. E.g. if the possible arguments for an assembly operation were: - ``ACC`` ``A`` - ``B`` ``C`` - ``A`` ``[#123]`` The data structure would be as follows:: [ [ { "value_type": "module_name", "is_memory_location": False, "value": "ACC", }, { "value_type": "module_name", "is_memory_location": False, "value": "A", }, ], [ { "value_type": "module_name", "is_memory_location": False, "value": "B", }, { "value_type": "module_name", "is_memory_location": True, "value": "C", }, ], [ { "value_type": "module_name", "is_memory_location": False, "value": "A", }, { "value_type": "constant", "is_memory_location": True, "value": "", }, ], ] Returns: dict: Machine code byte description template. """ return { "value_type": "", "is_memory_location": False, "value": "", }
[docs]def get_machine_code_byte_template(): """ Get the template used to describe a machine code byte. This is a set of information that describes the byte (of which there could be many) of machine code that an operation (e.g. LOAD [$variable] A) results in. The keys have the following meaning: - bitstring: A byte bitstring of the final byte that will make up the machine code. - byte_type: The type of machine code byte. Will be instruction or constant. - constant_type: The type of the constant. Could be a label, variable or number. - constant: The constant that this byte will need to become. The resolution of the constant to a real machine code byte is done by the assembler. - number_value: The value of the constant as an int if it's a number. - index: The index of this byte in program data. Returns: dict: Machine code byte description template. """ return { "bitstring": "", "byte_type": "", "constant_type": "", "constant": "", "number_value": 0, "index": -1, }