Command Line Tools


Assemble eight bit computer assembly files to machine code.

usage: ebc-assemble [-h] [-o OUTPUT_FILENAME_BASE] [-d OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
                    [-f {logisim,arduino}]

Positional Arguments

asm_filepath Path to the assembly file to assemble.

Named Arguments

-o, --output_filename_base
 Filename base for the assembled file. E.g. “myfile” or “fibonacci”. Do not include an extension.
-d, --output_directory
 Directory for the output filed. Defaults to current directory.
-f, --output_format

Possible choices: logisim, arduino

Format to write the assembled code in.

Default: “logisim”


Generate ROMs that contain the microcode.

usage: ebc-gen-roms [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-p FILE_PREFIX]
                    [-f {logisim,arduino}]

Named Arguments

-o, --output_dir

Directory to write the ROMs into.

Default: “.”

-p, --file_prefix
 Prefix for the ROM files.
-f, --output_format

Possible choices: logisim, arduino

Format to write the ROMs in.

Default: “logisim”