Source code for eight_bit_computer.token_utils

Functionality for working with string tokens on assembly lines

import re

[docs]def is_label(test_string): """ Test if a string is a valid label. Args: test_string (str): The string to test Returns: bool: True if the string is a valid label, false otherwise. """ match = re.match(r"@[a-zA-Z_]+\w*$", test_string) if match: return True else: return False
[docs]def is_variable(test_string): """ Test if a string is a valid variable. Args: test_string (str): The string to test Returns: bool: True if the string is a valid variable, false otherwise. """ match = re.match(r"\$[a-zA-Z_]+\w*$", test_string) if match: return True else: return False
[docs]def is_constant(test_string): if (is_label(test_string) or is_variable(test_string) or is_number(test_string)): return True else: return False
[docs]def is_number(test_string): """ Test if a string is a valid number. Args: test_string (str): The string to test Returns: bool: True if the string is a valid number, false otherwise. """ if not test_string: return False if test_string[0] == "#": stripped = test_string[1:] if not stripped: return False try: num = int(stripped, 0) except ValueError: return False return True else: return False
[docs]def number_constant_value(number_constant): """ Get the value that a number constant represents. Args: number_constant (str): The constant to extract the value from. Returns: int: The value of the constant. """ return int(number_constant[1:], 0)
[docs]def is_memory_index(argument): """ Determine whether this argument is a memory index. Memory indexes can be module names or constants with a ``[`` at the start and a ``]`` at the end. e.g.: - ``[A]`` - ``[#42]`` - ``[$variable]`` Args: argument (str): The argument being used for the assembly operation. Returns: bool: True if the argument is a memory index, false if not. """ if (argument.startswith("[") and argument.endswith("]") and len(argument) > 2): return True else: return False
[docs]def represent_as_memory_index(argument): """ Format the argument so it appears as a memory index. See :func:`~.is_memory_index` for details on what a memory index is. Args: argument (str): The argument to represent as a memory index. Returns: str: The formatted argument. """ return "[{argument}]".format(argument=argument)
[docs]def extract_memory_position(argument): """ Extract a memory position from a memory index argument. See :func:`~.is_memory_index` for details of what a memory index is. Args: argument (str): The argument to extract a memory position from. Returns: str: The location in memory being referenced. """ return argument[1:-1]
[docs]def get_tokens_from_line(line): """ Given a line split it into tokens and return them. Tokens are runs of characters separated by spaces. If there are no tokens return an empty list. Args: line (str): line to convert to tokens Returns: list(str): The tokens """ # Does line have any content if not line: return [] # Does the line have any content after splitting it line_tokens = line.split() if not line_tokens: return [] return line_tokens