Source code for eight_bit_computer.operations.pop_op

The POP operation.

Loads the value in memory pointed to by SP into a module,
then increments SP.

This uses the ALU but the flags generated are not stored.

from itertools import product

from ..language_defs import (

from ..operation_utils import assemble_instruction, match_and_parse_line
from ..data_structures import (
    get_arg_def_template, get_machine_code_byte_template


[docs]def generate_signatures(): """ Generate the definitions of all possible arguments passable. Returns: list(list(dict)): All possible arguments. See :func:`~.get_arg_def_template` for more information. """ signatures = [] for module in ("ACC", "A", "B", "C"): signature = [] arg_def = get_arg_def_template() arg_def["value_type"] = "module_name" arg_def["value"] = module signature.append(arg_def) signatures.append(signature) return signatures
[docs]def generate_microcode_templates(): """ Generate microcode for all the POP operations. Returns: list(DataTemplate): DataTemplates for all the POP microcode. """ data_templates = [] signatures = generate_signatures() for signature in signatures: templates = generate_operation_templates(signature) data_templates.extend(templates) return data_templates
[docs]def generate_operation_templates(signature): """ Create the DataTemplates to define a POP with the given args. Args: signature (list(dict)): List of argument definitions that specify which particular not operation to generate templates for. Returns: list(DataTemplate) : Datatemplates that define this pop. """ instruction_byte_bitdefs = generate_instruction_byte_bitdefs(signature) flags_bitdefs = [FLAGS["ANY"]] step_0 = [ MODULE_CONTROL["SP"]["OUT"], MODULE_CONTROL["MAR"]["IN"], ] step_1 = [ MODULE_CONTROL[signature[0]["value"]]["IN"], MODULE_CONTROL["RAM"]["OUT"], ] step_2 = [ MODULE_CONTROL["SP"]["OUT"], MODULE_CONTROL["ALU"]["A_IS_BUS"], MODULE_CONTROL["ALU"]["STORE_RESULT"], ] step_2.extend(ALU_CONTROL_FLAGS["A_PLUS_1"]) step_3 = [ MODULE_CONTROL["ALU"]["OUT"], MODULE_CONTROL["SP"]["IN"], ] control_steps = [step_0, step_1, step_2, step_3] return assemble_instruction( instruction_byte_bitdefs, flags_bitdefs, control_steps )
[docs]def generate_instruction_byte_bitdefs(signature): """ Generate bitdefs to specify the instruction byte for these args. Args: signature (list(dict)): List of argument definitions that specify which particular not operation to generate the instruction byte bitdefs for. Returns: list(str): Bitdefs that make up the instruction_byte """ return [ INSTRUCTION_GROUPS["LOAD"], SRC_REGISTERS["SP+/-"], DEST_REGISTERS[signature[0]["value"]], ]
[docs]def parse_line(line): """ Parse a line of assembly code to create machine code byte templates. If a line is not identifiably an POP assembly line, return an empty list instead. Args: line (str): Assembly line to be parsed. Returns: list(dict): List of instruction byte template dictionaries or an empty list. """ match, signature = match_and_parse_line( line, _NAME, generate_signatures() ) if not match: return [] instruction_byte = instruction_byte_from_bitdefs( generate_instruction_byte_bitdefs(signature) ) mc_byte = get_machine_code_byte_template() mc_byte["byte_type"] = "instruction" mc_byte["bitstring"] = instruction_byte return [mc_byte]