Source code for eight_bit_computer.export

Functionality to convert data other package friendly formats.

import os

from . import number_utils

[docs]def bitstrings_to_arduino_cpp( bitstrings, rom_index, header_filename, rom_var_name ): """ Convert rom bitstrings to arduino header cpp file. The format of the file is:: #include "mc_rom_0.h" extern const byte MC_ROM_0[] __attribute__ (( __section__(".fini1") )) = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, // 00000 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A, 0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, // 00016 ... ... 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0xEA, 0xEB, 0xEC, 0xED, 0xEE, 0xEF, // 32736 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF2, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE // 32752 }; extern const byte MC_ROM_0_LAST_BYTE = 0xFF; Where the rom index +1 is used for the index of the fini part. Args: bitstrings (list(str)): This of bitstrings that make up the rom. rom_index (int): Index of the rom beind written (index in the list of all the roms being written to the arduino). header_filename (str): Name of the header file, e.g. "mc_rom_0.h". rom_var_name(str): The variable name used for the rom data in the arduino code. Returns: str: String ready to be written to cpp file """ cpp_lines = [] cpp_lines.append("#include \"{header_filename}\"".format( header_filename=header_filename )) cpp_lines.append("") cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte {rom_var_name}[] __attribute__ (( __section__(\".fini{fini_index}\") )) = {{".format( rom_var_name=rom_var_name, fini_index=rom_index + 1 ) ) data_lines = [] for line_index, line_bytes in enumerate(chunker(bitstrings[:-1], 16)): line_parts = [] for line_chunk in chunker(line_bytes, 4): chunk_bytes = [ "0x{hex}".format(hex=number_utils.bitstring_to_hex_string( chunk_byte )) for chunk_byte in line_chunk ] four_hex_bytes = ", ".join(chunk_bytes) line_parts.append(four_hex_bytes) data_line = ", ".join(line_parts) # Add extra spacing if it's the last row if len(line_bytes) == 16: data_line = " {data_line}, // {byte_index:05}".format( data_line=data_line, byte_index=line_index*16) else: data_line = " {data_line} // {byte_index:05}".format( data_line=data_line, byte_index=line_index*16) data_lines.append(data_line) cpp_lines.extend(data_lines) cpp_lines.append("};") cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte {rom_var_name}_LAST_BYTE = 0x{byte};".format( rom_var_name=rom_var_name, byte=number_utils.bitstring_to_hex_string(bitstrings[-1]) ) ) cpp_string = "\n".join(cpp_lines) cpp_string += "\n" return cpp_string
[docs]def create_arduino_header(header_file_basename, rom_var_name): """ Create arduino header file The header file looks like this:: #ifndef MC_ROM_0_H #define MC_ROM_0_H #include <Arduino.h> extern const byte MC_ROM_0[]; extern const byte MC_ROM_0_LAST_BYTE; #endif Args: header_file_basename (str): The basename of the header file. E.g. if the header file is named mc_rom_0.h, the basename is mc_rom_0. rom_var_name(str): The variable name used for the rom data in the arduino code. Returns: str: String ready to be written to a file. """ h_lines = [] h_lines.append("#ifndef {header_file_basename}_H".format( header_file_basename=header_file_basename.upper() )) h_lines.append("#define {header_file_basename}_H".format( header_file_basename=header_file_basename.upper() )) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("#include <Arduino.h>") h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("extern const byte {rom_var_name}[];".format( rom_var_name=rom_var_name )) h_lines.append( "extern const byte {rom_var_name}_LAST_BYTE;".format( rom_var_name=rom_var_name ) ) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("#endif") h_lines.append("") return "\n".join(h_lines)
[docs]def chunker(seq, chunk_size): """ Take a larger sequence and split it into smaller chunks. E.g.:: chunker([0,1,2,3,4,5], 4) -> [0,1,2,3], [4,5] Args: seq (list): List of things to chunk up chunk_size (int): How big each chunk should be. Returns: generator: Generator that yields each chunk. """ return ( seq[pos:pos + chunk_size] for pos in xrange(0, len(seq), chunk_size) )
[docs]def write_arduino_pair( bitstrings, output_dir, file_basename, rom_var_name, rom_index ): """ Write the header and cpp files for the arduino roms. Args: bitstrings (list(str)): List of bitstrings that will make up the rom. output_dir (str): Directory (relative or absolute) to output the pair of files into. file_basename (str): Basename of the h and cpp files. The basename is the part of the file without the extention or the period. rom_var_name(str): The variable name used for the rom data in the arduino code. rom_index (int): Index of the rom to be written. This index is the index in the sequence of all roms to be written to the arduino. """ # Write h h_output = create_arduino_header(file_basename, rom_var_name) h_filename = "{file_basename}.h".format(file_basename=file_basename) h_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, h_filename) with open(h_filepath, "w") as h_file: h_file.write(h_output) # Write cpp cpp_output = bitstrings_to_arduino_cpp( bitstrings, rom_index, h_filename, rom_var_name ) cpp_filename = "{file_basename}.cpp".format(file_basename=file_basename) cpp_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, cpp_filename) with open(cpp_filepath, "w") as cpp_file: cpp_file.write(cpp_output)
[docs]def gen_logisim_program_file(assembly_line_infos): """ Generate contents for logisim files holding a program. Args: assembly_line_infos (list(dict)): List of dictionaries of information about the parsed assembly. Returns: str: Content of the logisim file. """ mc_byte_bitstrings = extract_machine_code(assembly_line_infos) variable_bitstrings = extract_variables(assembly_line_infos) combined_bitstrings = combine_mc_and_variable_bitstrings( mc_byte_bitstrings, variable_bitstrings ) return bitstrings_to_logisim(combined_bitstrings)
[docs]def extract_machine_code(assembly_lines): """ Extract machine code from assembly line dictionaries. Args: assembly_lines (list(dict)): List of assembly line info dictionaries to extract machine code from. See :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template` for details on what those dictionaries contain. Returns: list(str): List of bit strings for the machine code. """ machine_code = [] for assembly_line in assembly_lines: if assembly_line["has_machine_code"]: for mc_byte in assembly_line["mc_bytes"]: machine_code.append(mc_byte["bitstring"]) return machine_code
[docs]def extract_variables(assembly_lines): """ Extract variables from assembly line dictionaries. Args: assembly_lines (list(dict)): List of assembly line info dictionaries to extract variables from. See :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template` for details on what those dictionaries contain. Returns: list(str): List of bit strings for the machine code. Empty list if there's no variables """ # Extract all the variables and their positions pos_to_value_map = {} for assembly_line in assembly_lines: if assembly_line["defines_variable"]: bitstring = number_utils.number_to_bitstring(assembly_line["defined_variable_value"]) pos_to_value_map[assembly_line["defined_variable_location"]] = bitstring # Put the variables into a list, filling empty positions with zeroes. ret = [] if pos_to_value_map: biggest = max(pos_to_value_map) for position in range(biggest + 1): if position in pos_to_value_map: ret.append(pos_to_value_map[position]) else: ret.append(number_utils.number_to_bitstring(0)) return ret
[docs]def combine_mc_and_variable_bitstrings(mc_byte_bitstrings, variable_bitstrings): """ Combine machine code and variables into a single appropriately padded list. Args: mc_byte_bitstrings (list(str)): List of bitstrings that make up the machine code. variable_bitstrings (list(str)): List of bitstrings that represent the variables. Returns: list(str): List of the machine code and variable bitstrings, padded to that the variables begin at byte 257. """ if not variable_bitstrings: return mc_byte_bitstrings # Pad the machine code bytes up to 256 bytes num_mc_bytes = len(mc_byte_bitstrings) padded_mc_bytes = mc_byte_bitstrings + [number_utils.number_to_bitstring(0)] * (256 - num_mc_bytes) return padded_mc_bytes + variable_bitstrings
[docs]def bitstrings_to_logisim(bitstrings): """ Convert bitstrigs to a logisim RAM/ROM file format. Used to convert ROMs and machine code. Args: bitstrings (list(str)): List of bitstrings to convert to a logisim friendly format. Returns: str: String ready to be written to a file. """ logisim_lines = ["v2.0 raw"] for line_bytes in chunker(bitstrings, 16): line_parts = [] for line_chunk_bytes in chunker(line_bytes, 4): hex_strings = [ number_utils.bitstring_to_hex_string(bit_string) for bit_string in line_chunk_bytes ] four_hex_bytes = " ".join(hex_strings) line_parts.append(four_hex_bytes) line = " ".join(line_parts) logisim_lines.append(line) logisim_string = "\n".join(logisim_lines) logisim_string += "\n" return logisim_string
[docs]def gen_arduino_program_h_file(h_basename): """ Generate header file for program for Arduino. The header file looks like this:: #ifndef PROG_FIBONACCI_H #define PROG_FIBONACCI_H #include <Arduino.h> extern const byte num_fibonacci_program_bytes; extern const byte fibonacci_program_bytes[]; extern const byte num_fibonacci_data_bytes; extern const byte fibonacci_data_bytes[]; extern const char fibonacci_program_name[]; #endif Args: h_basename (str): The filename (with no extension) for the file. Returns: str: String ready to be written to a file. """ h_lines = [] h_lines.append("#ifndef PROG_{h_basename}_H".format( h_basename=h_basename.upper() )) h_lines.append("#define PROG_{h_basename}_H".format( h_basename=h_basename.upper() )) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("#include <Arduino.h>") h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("extern const byte num_{h_basename}_program_bytes;".format( h_basename=h_basename )) h_lines.append("extern const byte {h_basename}_program_bytes[];".format( h_basename=h_basename )) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("extern const byte num_{h_basename}_data_bytes;".format( h_basename=h_basename )) h_lines.append("extern const byte {h_basename}_data_bytes[];".format( h_basename=h_basename )) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("extern const char {h_basename}_program_name[];".format( h_basename=h_basename )) h_lines.append("") h_lines.append("#endif") h_lines.append("") return "\n".join(h_lines)
[docs]def gen_arduino_program_cpp_file(assembly_line_infos, filename_base, h_filename): """ Generate cpp file for program for Arduino. The cpp file looks like this:: #include "prog_fibonacci.h" extern const byte num_fibonacci_program_bytes = 13; extern const byte fibonacci_program_bytes[] PROGMEM = { 0x39, // 000 SET A #1 (@set_initial) 0x01, // 001 (1) 0x3A, // 002 SET B #1 0x01, // 003 (1) 0x08, // 004 COPY A ACC (@fib_loop) 0xCE, // 005 ADD B 0x24, // 006 JUMP_IF_OVERFLOW_FLAG @set_initial 0x00, // 007 (0) 0x03, // 008 COPY ACC C (to display) 0x11, // 009 COPY B A 0x02, // 010 COPY ACC B 0x3D, // 011 JUMP @fib_loop 0x04 // 012 (4) }; extern const byte num_fibonacci_data_bytes = 0; // Needs to be at least 1 byte in this array extern const byte fibonacci_data_bytes[] PROGMEM = { 0x00 // Placeholder. }; // Max of seven characters extern const char fibonacci_program_name[] = "Fbnacci"; Args: assembly_line_infos (list(dict)): List of assembly line info dictionaries to extract variables from. See :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template` for details on what those dictionaries contain. filename_base (str): The basename (no extension) for the file. Also used as a general identifier. h_filename (str): The filename of the headerfile (including extension). Returns: str: String ready to be written to a file. """ machinecode_info = extract_program_file_machinecode_info(assembly_line_infos) num_prog_bytes = len(machinecode_info) cpp_lines = [] cpp_lines.append("#include \"{h_filename}\"".format(h_filename=h_filename)) cpp_lines.append("") cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte num_{filename_base}_program_bytes " "= {num_prog_bytes};".format( filename_base=filename_base, num_prog_bytes=num_prog_bytes ) ) cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte {filename_base}_program_bytes[] " "PROGMEM = {{".format(filename_base=filename_base) ) # Generate machine code bytes for byte_index, byte_info in enumerate(machinecode_info): line = " 0x{hex_byte}".format( hex_byte=number_utils.bitstring_to_hex_string(byte_info["bitstring"]) ) if byte_index != (num_prog_bytes - 1): line += ', ' else: line += ' ' line += byte_info["comment"] cpp_lines.append(line) cpp_lines.append("};") cpp_lines.append("") variable_info = extract_program_file_variable_info(assembly_line_infos) num_variable_bytes = len(variable_info) cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte num_{filename_base}_data_bytes " "= {num_variable_bytes};".format( filename_base=filename_base, num_variable_bytes=num_variable_bytes ) ) cpp_lines.append("") cpp_lines.append("// Needs to be at least 1 byte in this array") cpp_lines.append( "extern const byte {filename_base}_data_bytes[] PROGMEM = {{".format( filename_base=filename_base) ) # Generate data (variable) bytes if num_variable_bytes == 0: cpp_lines.append(" 0x00 // Placeholder.") else: for variable_index, variable in enumerate(variable_info): if variable_index != (num_variable_bytes - 1): joiner = ', ' else: joiner = ' ' if variable["name"] is None: cpp_lines.append( " 0x00{joiner}// {variable_index:03d} (placeholder).".format( joiner=joiner, variable_index=variable_index ) ) else: cpp_lines.append( " 0x{value:02X}{joiner}// {variable_index:03d} {name}".format( value=number_utils.get_positive_equivalent(variable["value"]), joiner=joiner, variable_index=variable_index, name=variable["name"] ) ) cpp_lines.append("};") cpp_lines.append("") cpp_lines.append("// Max of seven characters") cpp_lines.append("extern const char {filename_base}_program_name[] = \"{filename_short}\";".format( filename_base=filename_base, filename_short=filename_base[:7] )) cpp_lines.append("") return "\n".join(cpp_lines)
[docs]def extract_program_file_machinecode_info(assembly_line_infos): """ Get necessary machine code info for arduino cpp file. Args: assembly_line_infos (list(dict)): List of assembly line info dictionaries to extract variables from. See :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template` for details on what those dictionaries contain. Returns: list(dict(str:str)): Bitstring and relevant comment for each machinecode byte. """ mc_byte_infos = [] byte_index = 0 for assembly_line in assembly_line_infos: if assembly_line["has_machine_code"]: for mc_byte in assembly_line["mc_bytes"]: byte_data = {} byte_data["bitstring"] = mc_byte["bitstring"] comment = "// {byte_index:03d}".format(byte_index=byte_index) if mc_byte["byte_type"] == "instruction": comment = "{comment} {clean_line}".format( comment=comment, clean_line=assembly_line["clean"] ) if assembly_line["has_label_assigned"]: comment = "{comment} ({label})".format( comment=comment, label=assembly_line["assigned_label"] ) elif mc_byte["byte_type"] == "constant": comment = "{comment} ({constant})".format( comment=comment, constant=number_utils.bitstring_to_number(mc_byte["bitstring"]) ) byte_data["comment"] = comment mc_byte_infos.append(byte_data) byte_index += 1 return mc_byte_infos
[docs]def extract_program_file_variable_info(assembly_line_infos): """ Pull out the info to write variables to program arduino cpp file. Args: assembly_line_infos (list(dict)): List of assembly line info dictionaries to extract variables from. See :func:`~.get_assembly_line_template` for details on what those dictionaries contain. Returns: list(dict): List of variable values and names. Spots with no variables are filled with placeholders. """ # Extract all the variables and their positions variable_infos = {} for assembly_line in assembly_line_infos: if assembly_line["defines_variable"]: variable_infos[assembly_line["defined_variable_location"]] = { "value" : assembly_line["defined_variable_value"], "name" : assembly_line["defined_variable"] } # Put the variables into a list, filling empty positions with zeroes. ret = [] if variable_infos: biggest = max(variable_infos) for position in range(biggest + 1): if position in variable_infos: ret.append(variable_infos[position]) else: ret.append({ "value" : 0, "name" : None }) return ret