Source code for eight_bit_computer.assembly_summary

Extract information from a list of assembly line info dictionaries.
from copy import deepcopy

from . import number_utils
from .data_structures import get_summary_entry_template

[docs]def generate_assembly_summary(asm_line_infos): """ Produce a summary that combines assembly and machine code. The summary will be like this:: 1 $variable0 | 2 @label1 | 3 LOAD [$variable1] A | 0 00 00000000 - @label1 255 FF 11111111 | 1 01 00000001 - 1 01 00000001 $variable1 4 | 5 @label2 | 6 LOAD [$variable2] A | 2 02 00000010 - @label2 255 FF 11111111 | 3 03 00000011 - 2 02 00000010 $variable2 7 JUMP @label1 | 4 04 00000100 - 255 FF 11111111 | 5 05 00000101 - 0 00 00000000 @label1 8 | 9 STORE A [#123] | 6 06 00000110 - 255 FF 11111111 | 7 07 00000111 - 123 7B 01111011 #123 10 @label3 | 11 LOAD [$variable3] B | 8 08 00001000 - @label3 255 FF 11111111 | 9 09 00001001 - 3 03 00000011 $variable3 12 LOAD [$variable0] C | 10 0A 00001010 - 255 FF 11111111 | 11 0B 00001011 - 0 00 00000000 $variable0 13 $variable4 | 14 // comment Args: asm_line_infos (list(dict)): List of dictionaries of information about the parsed assembly. Returns: str: Printable summary. """ lines = generate_assembly_summary_lines(asm_line_infos) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs]def generate_assembly_summary_lines(asm_line_infos): """ Generate list of lines for an assembly summary Args: asm_line_infos (list(dict)): List of dictionaries of information about the parsed assembly. Returns: list(str): List of lines for the summary. """ summary_data = get_assembly_summary_data(asm_line_infos) widest_values = get_widest_column_values(summary_data) summary_line_template = ( "{asm_line_no: >{widest_asm_line_no}} " "{raw_assembly_line: <{widest_asm_line}} " "| " "{mc_index_decimal: >{widest_mc_index_decimal}} " "{mc_index_hex} " "{mc_index_bitstring} " "{mc_byte_sep} " "{mc_label: <{widest_mc_label}} " "{mc_byte_decimal: >{widest_mc_byte_decimal}} " "{mc_byte_hex:} " "{mc_byte_bitstring} " "{mc_byte_constant}" ) formatted_summary_lines = [] for summary_line in summary_data: if summary_line["has_assembly"]: asm_line_info = summary_line["assembly"]["info"] asm_line_no = str(asm_line_info["line_no"]) raw_assembly_line = asm_line_info["raw"] else: asm_line_no = "" raw_assembly_line = "" if summary_line["has_mc_byte"]: mc_byte_info = summary_line["mc_byte"]["info"] mc_index_decimal = str(mc_byte_info["index"]) mc_index_hex = "{index:02X}".format( index=mc_byte_info["index"], ) mc_index_bitstring = number_utils.number_to_bitstring( mc_byte_info["index"] ) mc_byte_sep = "-" if summary_line["mc_byte"]["has_label"]: mc_label = summary_line["mc_byte"]["label"] else: mc_label = "" mc_byte_decimal = str( number_utils.bitstring_to_number(mc_byte_info["bitstring"]) ) mc_byte_bitstring = mc_byte_info["bitstring"] mc_byte_hex = "{mc_byte:02X}".format( mc_byte=int(mc_byte_info["bitstring"], 2), ) if mc_byte_info["byte_type"] == "constant": mc_byte_constant = mc_byte_info["constant"] else: mc_byte_constant = "" else: mc_index_decimal = "" mc_index_hex = "" mc_index_bitstring = "" mc_byte_sep = "" mc_label = "" mc_byte_decimal = "" mc_byte_bitstring = "" mc_byte_hex = "" mc_byte_constant = "" formatted_line = summary_line_template.format( asm_line_no=asm_line_no, widest_asm_line_no=widest_values["asm_line_no"], raw_assembly_line=raw_assembly_line, widest_asm_line=widest_values["asm_line"], mc_index_decimal=mc_index_decimal, widest_mc_index_decimal=widest_values["mc_index_decimal"], mc_index_hex=mc_index_hex, mc_index_bitstring=mc_index_bitstring, mc_byte_sep=mc_byte_sep, mc_label=mc_label, widest_mc_label=widest_values["mc_label"], mc_byte_decimal=mc_byte_decimal, widest_mc_byte_decimal=widest_values["mc_byte_decimal"], mc_byte_bitstring=mc_byte_bitstring, mc_byte_hex=mc_byte_hex, mc_byte_constant=mc_byte_constant, ).rstrip() formatted_summary_lines.append(formatted_line) return formatted_summary_lines
[docs]def get_assembly_summary_data(asm_line_infos): """ Process assembly data to make formatting easier for the summary. Args: asm_line_infos (list(dict)): List of line info dictionaries as returned by :func:`~.process_assembly_lines` . Returns: list: List of entries for the assembly summary print out """ assembly_summary = [] for asm_line_info in asm_line_infos: if asm_line_info["has_machine_code"]: dual_entry = get_summary_entry_template() dual_entry["has_assembly"] = True dual_entry["assembly"]["info"] = deepcopy(asm_line_info) dual_entry["has_mc_byte"] = True dual_entry["mc_byte"]["info"] = deepcopy( asm_line_info["mc_bytes"][0] ) if asm_line_info["has_label_assigned"]: dual_entry["mc_byte"]["has_label"] = True dual_entry["mc_byte"]["label"] = asm_line_info["assigned_label"] assembly_summary.append(dual_entry) for mc_byte_info in asm_line_info["mc_bytes"][1:]: byte_only_entry = get_summary_entry_template() byte_only_entry["has_mc_byte"] = True byte_only_entry["mc_byte"]["info"] = deepcopy(mc_byte_info) assembly_summary.append(byte_only_entry) else: assembly_only_entry = get_summary_entry_template() assembly_only_entry["has_assembly"] = True assembly_only_entry["assembly"]["info"] = deepcopy(asm_line_info) assembly_summary.append(assembly_only_entry) return assembly_summary
[docs]def get_widest_column_values(assembly_summary_data): """ Find widest values in the columns of the output. Required for the eventual printed table to line up correctly. Args: assembly_summary_data (list(dict)): List of dictionaries (as returned by :func:`~.get_assembly_summary_data`) with all the summary information data. Returns: dict: Mapping of columns for widest values. """ widest_values = { "asm_line_no": 0, "asm_line": 0, "mc_index_decimal": 0, "mc_byte_decimal": 0, "mc_label": 0, } for entry in assembly_summary_data: if entry["has_assembly"]: # Assembly line number width line_no_width = len(str(entry["assembly"]["info"]["line_no"])) if line_no_width > widest_values["asm_line_no"]: widest_values["asm_line_no"] = line_no_width # Assembly line width asm_line_width = len(entry["assembly"]["info"]["raw"]) if asm_line_width > widest_values["asm_line"]: widest_values["asm_line"] = asm_line_width if entry["has_mc_byte"]: # Decimal byte index width mcb_index_decimal_width = len( str(entry["mc_byte"]["info"]["index"]) ) if mcb_index_decimal_width > widest_values["mc_index_decimal"]: widest_values["mc_index_decimal"] = mcb_index_decimal_width # Decimal byte index width mc_byte_decimal_width = len( str( number_utils.bitstring_to_number( entry["mc_byte"]["info"]["bitstring"] ) ) ) if mc_byte_decimal_width > widest_values["mc_byte_decimal"]: widest_values["mc_byte_decimal"] = mc_byte_decimal_width # Label width if entry["mc_byte"]["has_label"]: mcb_label_width = len(entry["mc_byte"]["label"]) if mcb_label_width > widest_values["mc_label"]: widest_values["mc_label"] = mcb_label_width return widest_values